Thursday, September 11, 2014

There is still time to see From the Inside Out at SIUE

A splendid review was written about From the Inside Out by Sun Smith-Foret for the Art Saint Louis / Art Dialogue blog.  You still have a little more than a week to see the show.  Details are on FTIO blog.
Check out the review here.

From the Inside Out
August 18-September 21
Art and Design West Gallery
75 South Circle Drive
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Gallery hours 10-2 Monday -Friday
Phone ahead to be sure--618-650-3183

By appointment -- contact Pat Vivod at shiborirust[at]yahoo[dot]com

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hi all!
You are invited Saturday September 13, 2014 to the home and studio of Adamandia Kapsalis. The meeting will include show and tell and snacks (please bring a dish to share as it is potluck). Adamandia lives in the Andersonville area on the North side of Chicago. She is a mixed media textile artist and recently had her work displayed in the SDA-IL exhibit "Transparent, Translucent, Transformed" held at the Iannelli Studios Heritage Center. You should receive a SDA email soon with her address and instructions. If you have any problems or questions regarding directions please feel free to comment below or email me. Anyway, please come out for the latest SDA news, food, and of course show & tell. Please let me know if you are coming so that we can have an idea of how many will be there.
Thank you,

(Note: Picture above features two of Adamandia's pieces)